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Τρίτη 29 Απριλίου 2014

The Dresden Files Review.

How often in your journey as a reader comes a book (or a series of books in this case) that really, genuinely surprise you in a pleasant way? Like a breath of spring air after a long winter.

That’s what The Dresden Files did to me. 

Quick pace, witty dialog, awesome characters and one of the most interesting worlds that I have as yet, met.
The Dresden files are a series of books written by Jim Butcher.

Photo by Karen Hacker with The Portrait Gallery, located in Independence, MO
That’s him over there.

We follow the young (by wizard standards, 30 something for the rest of us) Harry Dresden as he tries to solve mysteries, trick fairies, cheat demons, outrun werewolves, and generally drive everyone as mad as they can get with him. You can find him at the phone book under Wizard, it isn’t hard, he is the only entry.

            He also consults with the police from time to time, when the crimes are disturbingly weird and a simple “a psycho did it” want really cut it, don’t judge him, he has bills to pay and as wizard/PI he doesn’t have much luck.

And as you know…

            There are currently fourteen book out there and the next one (Skin Trade) comes out May 27, 2014 (at least it does at the moment were the article is written). All of them a worthy purchase (why don’t you hop on their page and do some buying? Go ahead I wait…).

Also as I found out, there is a TV series(loosely based on the books but still something nice to watch)


 a RPG based on the stories by Evil Hat productions (that you can find here)

 Obviously comic adaptations

and some anthologies with short stories.

What I liked:
The nerd culture references
The character growth.
The world, truly a fantastic place.
The fast pacing action.
The great story.

What I disliked:
A little more detective work would be nice.
There ONLY 14 books out there… seriously that one need to be mended immediately.

In conclusion.
Read them, read them now!